A Sneak-Peek of One Delicious Day on The LA Weight Loss Red Plan...


Eat All This Food in Just One Day….  And Lose 2 to 3 Lbs Every Week on Average!  If you follow this easy plan… No Exercise Required!    


That’s Right….This is just One Day!         K e e p    S c r o l l i n g   D o w n

This is a typical day’s consumption on the Red plan.  Selected from the Food Plan Menus Were:


2 1/2 Proteins

3 Fruits

4 vegetables

1 Fat

2 dairy

3 starches

2 Nutrition Bars

2 Extras


You May Select Your Own Foods from Each Food Category.  For example, if you do not drink or use milk in your coffee, you may have 2 yogurts instead of one,

or substitute with 2-oz of cheese.

There are allowable beverages, extras and condiments.  There are many foods selections and alternatives in the plans.


Users agree to read all of the guidelines included with the plan. This diet plan is not to be substituted for medical advice.  Be sure to see a medical professional if you have any health concerns. 




Yogurt Parfait


8 Oz Plain 0% Fat Greek Yogurt


6 Walnut Halves


3/4 Cup Blueberries


Truvia Sweetener


Mix & Top with Cinnamon

Sugar Free gelatin with Cool Whip

Instantly Download

The Diet Plan Now!


Special $19.99




Nothing Further to Purchase Except Your Usual Groceries

in Your Local Store!

K e e p    S c r o l l i n g   D o w n

Could you be as happy as we are with this  plan?


If not, feel free to email us and tell us why, and we will respond letting you know whether this plan can accommodate your specific needs or not.  

For example:  For those who do not eat nutrition bars, we have alternative shake recipes.  There are also plenty of vegetarian food choices as well on the menus.   Email:  SmarterSaver@aol.com


If you have any doubts, why not try the sample day you see here for just one day and see how great you feel the next day?


One of the secrets to this plans success is that it is so well-balanced, that you  feel satisfied and do not get cravings because of that. 


“No Deprivation Means Never Having to Quit!”


That is why this plan has proven itself thousands of times over!

K e e p    S c r o l l i n g   D o w n

K e e p    S c r o l l i n g   D o w n


 "ChallengYourself...  It's Exhilarating  x  100% !!!"


This program is not intended to be a substitute for any medical advice. 

You must discuss any health or dietetic concerns with a medical or nutritional professional.

This program uses the food exchange system and is not currently affiliated with LA

or any other Weight Loss or Fitness Centers.  By downloading this plan you agree that we will assume no liability for any adversities resulting from use of or misuse of this diet plan.

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2 Sodas per day….


